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We marry global expertise with practical advice to enable organistions to set and achieve their sustainability goals.

Sustainability Strategy

41% of Irish consumers are prepared to pay a premium for sustainable products.

PwC, 2019

Services we offer

  • SDG 10 point plan for SMEs and micro businesses
  • SDG mapping
  • Strategy design and evaluation
  • Policy mapping and interpretation
  • Workshops and webinars

Climate change

Resilient businesses manage uncertainty and risk so that they survive downturns and adapt to change.

McKinsey, 2019

Services we offer

  • Climate risk assessment
  • Resilience and adaptation planning
  • Climate action plans
  • Climate communications
  • Climate justice and just transition

Stakeholder engagement

Companies must benefit all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, and the communities in which they operate.

Larry Fink, CEO Blackrock

Services we offer

  • Institutional mapping
  • Landscape and stakeholder analysis
  • Stakeholder engagement strategies & plans