Plastic Free 4 kids logo

Attention all primary school teachers

Plastic Free 4 Kids is a free 8 lesson, curriculum-aligned programme designed for 3rd-6th class pupils. Children of all ages can partake in the programme but the curriculum aligns with 3rd to 6th class.

The aim is to create a nation of Plastic Free Ambassadors. Once completed, each child will receive a Certificate of Participation. This programme is kindly supported by the Community Foundation for Ireland and is also hosted on Change X.

Hashtags! #PF4KIDS / #PlasticFreeAmbassador

Community Foundation Ireland & Change X logos

We want to help you avoid single use plastic, reduce waste, maximise recycling and empower you to become a plastic free ambassador for your community. You can lead by example by showing what can be done to turn the tide on plastic and have fun doing it. You can get involved by participating in our online programme.

Dr Tara Shine and Madeleine Murray, Co-Founders Of Plastic Free 4 Kids and Change By Degrees

How It Works

Each lesson is approx. 10 mins long and the playlist can be accessed below or on the Change by Degrees YouTube channel here.

Every lesson has a different theme with follow-on activities and opportunities to be creative.

Information for Kids and Parents

No need to register. Your teacher can assign you this programme of work or you can do it yourself by logging onto our YouTube channel - just pick and choose what lesson you want to watch and learn all you can about becoming a Plastic Free Ambassador.

Information for Teachers

This is an SESE and SPHE programme that is fully aligned with curriculum objectives for 3rd to 6th class, mainly in the areas of Environmental Awareness and Care, Materials in Science and Developing Citizenship in SPHE. Each lesson is made up of a 10 min video with a variety of follow on activities. You can assign it daily or as a 2 week project. Please adapt it to suits your needs and the ability of your pupils. Students can access the videos directly or teachers can sign up for the course materials and work through them with their class.

To receive a free planning document outlining objectives and links across the curriculum, please register below.

What Schools Are Saying About Going Plastic Free

I particularly liked the practical nature and hands on approach. Ann pitched the content perfectly for the classes. A very informative workshop - enjoyed by all the children.

Geraldine Breen - Principal, Kilcommon National School Co. Tipperary

Ann was very pleasant, captivating, engaging - all the pupils were completely engrossed and interested. The workshop was very worthwhile and I believe it will impact on the pupils attitude to plastic in the years ahead. Well done!

Bernadette - St. John The Baptist GNS, Cashel, Co. Tipperary

I loved the selection of resources used, the child friendly approach and the clear delivery of the ‘plastic free ambassador’ message. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it! This workshop is as good as we’ve had. Ann was very clear and to the point, very easy to listen to and engaged all ages very well. Great initiative - well done!

Marie - Kyle Park NS, Co. Tipperary

I particularly liked the story format used and the interactive toys. Ann was excellent and the pupils really enjoyed it and learned lots.

Tom Butler - Principal, Ballinure National School, Co. Tipperary

The workshop was very clear and up to date. All pupils listened and responded well. I particularly liked the great visuals, Penny the Penguin and learning about the dangers of our throw away culture. I also liked the examples of alternatives to plastic.

Declan - Scoil Muire NS, Lismakin Co. Tipperary

We were delighted to have Dr. Tara Shine visit the school in February to tell the children all about the Plastic Free 4 Schools initiative. The children discussed the impact plastic is having on the environment, particularly our oceans. As a coastal town, it’s vital that the children spearhead the drive to rid the area of plastic.

Now, all the children have reusable lunch boxes and drink bottles. We have banned plastic straws in the school. This has a dual affect – reducing waste and encouraging children to drink more water, rather than sugary juices and smoothies. It was a great morning and the children were inspired to do their bit to keep our environment litter, and particularly plastic, free. We do a weekly lunchbox check for unnecessary packaging and the senior classes designed Keep Our Oceans Free From Plastic posters.

St Multose School, Kinsale

The Idea

We want to empower all children in Ireland to reduce their use of single use plastics at home and in school and to act as Ambassadors in their communities

How It Works

Plastic Free 4 Kids is an online, curriculum aligned programme designed to empower primary school pupils to take action by watching our videos and using our tool kit, guides and resources. Register your school today to receive the planning document!

Our Goal

10,000 primary school children in Ireland become Plastic Free Ambassadors by end 2020.

Plastic Free Ambassador Certificate
You’ll receive your certificate upon completion of the 8 lessons — Be a Plastic Free Ambassador!!

Our Impact so far: Co. Tipperary

In 2019, Change by Degrees were awarded a grant from the Tony Ryan Fund for Tipperary and The Community Foundation to run school workshops in Co. Tipperary. Our amazing trainer, Ann Foulds, delivered high impact, interactive workshops changing their habits and mobilising their communities.

Over 4500 students and staff attended our workshops in 49 schools across Tipperary in 2019.

Ann Foulds, PLastic Free 4 Kids Outreach Officer

Meet our Schools Outreach Officer

Ann Foulds is a group facilitator and experienced primary school teacher with a background in Permaculture and practical sustainability. She has worked with schools, third level institutions, individuals and community groups who want to make changes around the topics of health and well-being, sustainability and climate change.

Ann delivered workshops to over 4,500 students and staff at schools across Co. Tipperary in 2019.

Case study: Co. Cork, 2020

In 2020 we received a philanthropic donation from the Community Foundation to deliver a programme of face to face workshops to primary schools in Co. Cork. Ann Foulds visited 31 schools and educated over 3000 pupils and staff on plastics between Jan and early March, 2020. This work was cut short due to the pandemic but we have created Plastic Free 4 Kids in order to continue this much needed awareness raising and community outreach for primary school students. We’re delighted that students in primary schools right across the country can learn with us via our 8 lesson, on line programme. Teachers can register above to receive a planning document to guide their students learning.

What Have Our Students Said?

I loved the workshop because she had lots of interesting facts and she made it fun. I liked the way she had samples to show us the way plastics affect the animals. I am going to tell other people all about it

Pupil aged 10, Co. Tipperary, Jan 27, 2020

I liked this workshop because it’s helping the world. Plastic is a global problem.

Pupil aged 11, Co. Tipperary, Jan 27, 2020

I learned that humans are underestimating the damage they are causing to our planet.

Pupil aged 11, Co. Tipperary, Jan 27, 2020