Community of people in arrow circle icon

Our involvement in community initiatives on both a local and global level helps to keep us grounded and inspires the work we do with corporate clients.

Plastic Free Kinsale

Tara and Madeleine co-founded Plastic Free Kinsale in January 2018 to reduce the use of single use plastics in their town of 5,000 people.
Read more about it here:

Plastic Free Kinsale Logo
Future Kinsale logo

Future Kinsale

We are part of this community initiative to help plan for the next 20 years in Kinsale and create a thriving and sustainable Future Kinsale that our kids will be proud of.
Read more about it here:

Environment, climate action and biodiversity strategic policy committee

Madeleine sits on Cork County Council’s Strategic Policy Committee for Environment, climate action and biodiversity to influence policy making on sustainable development in Cork.

Cork County Council logo
Sustainable Cork Programme logo

Sustainable Cork Programme

We are proud members of this Cork Chamber led initiative to harness the knowledge and insights of business to deliver an action plan for a safe and resilient future.
Read more here

Homeward Bound

Tara is an Alumni and member of Faculty of Homeward Bound, a global leadership programme for women in science. Tara is a facilitator for the 5th Homeward Bound cohort and Change by Degrees works with the Homeward Bound leadership and network on sustainability and the SDGs.

Read more about it here:

Homeward Bound logo