Dept. of the Taoiseach

Strategic communications advice to assist the Government of Ireland in the development of new and innovative approaches to engagement on climate action in the public sector and with citizens and stakeholder groups

The Challenge

To enable a cross departmental Working Group to find a shared approach to climate change communications with a common vision and narrative.

The Challenge

The Impact

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Our Approach

We drew on international best practice in climate communications and our skills in UX design to create a series of workshops and papers to assist the Working Group to identify innovative ways to shape and deliver their messages.

How we helped

  1. Review of international best practice

    Research and production of a high-level review and synthesis of existing national and international best practice in climate-related messaging and engagement, including best practice, guiding principles and case studies.

  2. UX testing of a climate action webpage

    Video based UX testing and an expert review of a climate action web platform to assess effectiveness and to propose recommendations for improvements from a user perspective.

  3. Design and facilitation of online workshops

    The strategic communication tool GAMPER© was used to design two workshops for the Working Group to help identify a common narrative and shared innovative approach to messaging.

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The Impact

  • A shared vision and understanding of the need for a common narrative across government departments with powerful story lines and messages.
  • International best practice and UX design delivered insights and practical advice to shape ongoing work by the Department of the Taoiseach on Climate Action.

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Change By Degrees, successfully facilitated a number of workshops for the Department of the Taoiseach this year. Tara and Madeleine put together an engaging, innovative and insightful series of workshops in which complex topics were presented in an accessible way to diverse audiences. They also displayed a high level of technical competence and facilitated the workshops which were moved online. They brought experience, expertise and professionalism to all aspects of their brief and we have received significant level of positive feedback from workshop participants. We would be delighted to work with Change By Degrees again in the future.

Sharon Finegan, Climate Action Unit, Department of the Taoiseach